Foerster + Thelen Group

Your partner for international field services

Field services for the Market and opinion research

360º field work. 5 partners for all methods. The Foerster + Thelen Group has been internationally known as an independent supplier of valid raw data since 1977.

Uwe Förster
Uwe Förster
Ina Förster
Ina Förster
Dr. Ulrich Haspel
Dr. Ulrich Haspel
Jan Flechsig
Jan Flechsig
+ 0 Mio

interviews per year

CATI-, CLT, CAWI-, POS- and social science surveys, mystery and home-use test surveys.
+ 0

Interviewers nationwide

Through constant interviewer recruitment and nationwide basic training and webinars, we have access to a pool of almost 2,000 active interviewers.
+ 0

CATI stations

Within the Foerster + Thelen Group we have 265 web-enabled CATI stations.
One of the largest independent providers of data collection in almost all areas of market and opinion research.

The group partners in detail

Foerster & Thelen Marktforschung GmbH

Nationwide face-to-face field and CATI Studio |

Nationwide field work: quantitative quota / random projects, POS, CATI, CAPI, mystery shopping, product testing, product recording

Bochum (Deuschland) –  Stühmeyerstr. 16, 44787 Bochum.
Wien (Österreich) –  Hackhofergasse 1 – A, 1190 Wien.

Dr. Haspel & Partner Teststudio GmbH

Teststudios und CATI Studios

Product / package tests, tasting / sniff tests, ad tests, CATI, shelf tests, shop simulations, group discussions, TV / radio spot tests, recruiting and conducting music tests, RTR measurement for radio program routes, workshops

Berlin – Tempelhofer Damm 182-184, 12099 Berlin.
Dresden – Georg-Treu-Platz 3, 01067 Dresden.

Webfrager GmbH

Online surveys

Consumer panel (approx. 50,000 participants)

Programming and hosting of employee and customer surveys as well as surveys on mobile devices (can be used offline)

Online visitor surveys (including recruitment) for major events (football games, concerts, etc.)

Bochum – Stühmeyerstr. 16, 44787 Bochum.

Rosenthal Research S.L

Field International, Face-to-Face, Cati Studio

International telephone surveys (native speakers), group discussions, individual explorations, coordination of internal face-to-face projects

Barcelona – Passatge Pere Rodriguez 6, Local, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.