Field services for the Market and opinion research

The Foerster + Thelen Group is one of the largest independent providers of data collection in almost all areas of market and opinion research.

With a dedicated team of around 220 employees and over 2,000 interviewers within all Foerster + Thelen Group Institutes, we carry out around 1.5 million interviews over the course of a year.

since 1977 nationwide and international Data collection

Large-scale projects

We combine large internal resources with professional coordination services.

Data from all disciplines

We are your partner for international data collection, with solutions and services for your individual needs.

Quality standards

We offer our field services that go beyond national borders. We deliver valid raw data according to reliable quality standards.

Facts and Figures

+ 0 Mio

Interviews per year

CATI-, CAWI-, CLT, POS- and social science surveys, mystery and home-use test surveys.
+ 0

Interviewers nationwide

Through constant interviewer recruitment and nationwide basic training and webinars, we have access to a pool of almost 2,000 active interviewers.
+ 0

CATI Stations

Within the Foerster + Thelen Group we have 265 web-enabled CATI station


Complex study designs with high demands on data quality are part of our standards, b2b and b2c.


Centrally located locations ensure ideal testing conditions and ensure high-quality market research for the highest demands in modern spaces.


With our nationwide field of interviewers, we carry out customer surveys, passerby surveys, household surveys, employee surveys or similar data collection.


Using hand scanners, we carry out weekly recordings in retail, which amount to just under. 30 million EANs per year.


Thanks to our broad international network, we are always able to successfully handle complex survey topics and precisely defined target groups in the B2C and B2B sectors.


We take care of the entire coordination for you, regardless of which combination of methods you choose.

Efficient specialization in the area of data collection

With us you have a strong and reliable partner at your side who can rely on over 40 years of experience and high quality standards for collecting and processing your data.

Uwe Förster
Uwe Förster
Ina Förster
Ina Förster
Dr. Ulrich Haspel
Dr. Ulrich Haspel
Jan Flechsig
Jan Flechsig


Peter Ostmann
Stellvertretender Leiter Insights & Analytics, RTL2

“We have been relying on WEBFRAGER for many years, both with small, quick surveys and for large studies of strategic importance.” ” What particularly sets Webfrager apart from other providers is its absolute simplicity…”

Nicolaus Sondermann
Senior Projektmanager, IFH Köln

“The IFH Köln regularly carries out the largest passer-by survey in Germany, “Vital City Centers”. A reliable partner for us is Foerster and Thelen, who carry out the field work in almost half of the participating cities. The challenge is to coordinate capacity and timing in all regions of Germany. We particularly appreciate Foerster and Thelen’s flexibility in adapting to changes in the process at short notice.”

YouGov Deutschland GmbH
Data and Analytics Group

“Due to the great commitment, high flexibility and competent advice, we always feel like we are in good hands with you…”