Foerster +
Thelen Group

Your partner for international field services

How can we help you

FAQ for Foerster + Thelen Group:
Empirical work since 1977 in the areas of CATI – CAPI – CAWI – CLT, also mixed mode. Data collection nationwide and internationally.
  • The group consists of 5 partners:
  • Foerster & Thelen Marktforschung Feldservice GmbH
  • Foerster & Thelen Teststudio GmbH
  • Dr. Haspel & Partner Teststudio GmbH
  • Webfrager GmbH
  • Rosenthal Research S.L.

Automated control mechanisms and the interaction of everyone involved in the project

Employees meet the highest quality standards and ensure transparency.

The group is characterized by short-term commitment, flexibility in implementing individual wishes and direct communication with those responsible.


Die Foerster + Thelen Group ist sowohl national als auch international aktiv und bündelt verschiedene Feld­dienstleistungen unter einer einzigen Dachmarke. Selbst für umfangreiche, weltweite Studien und Testreihen benötigen unsere Auftraggeber nur einen einzigen leistungs­fähigen Servicepartner und Ansprechpartner.

The Foerster + Thelen Group is active both nationally and internationally and bundles various field services under a single umbrella brand. Even for extensive, global studies and test series, our clients only need a single, efficient service partner and contact.

Ina Förster

Contact Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 234 – 50 74 – 203

Foerster & Thelen Marktforschung GmbH
Stühmeyerstr. 16
D-44787 Bochum

Jan Flechsig

Contact Germany

Tel: +34 93 – 506 – 6006

Rosenthal Research S.L
Passatge Pere Rodriguez 6, Local,
ES-08028 Barcelona.